
The Best Defense Against Theft, Cyberattacks, Damage and Data Loss.
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Challenges faced by SMB IT Managers
Lina is an all-in-one backup protection workstations and laptops fully addresses the needs of small and medium-sized business IT managers:
How long does it take to restore a laptop following a cyberattack/ransomware?
Will my backup enable me to fully reconstruct a lost or stolen laptop?
How can I enable my users to manage their own data recovery jobs?
Backup on one side, Disaster Recovery on the other. How do I manage associated data storage volumes to avoid additional costs?
Customer Use Case examples:-
Laptop backups used by remote workers (technicians, sales…)
Workstation backups on remote sites connected over reduced bandwidth
Laptop backups over Wifi on company premises
Protection of departmental file servers
Autonomous user restore
Search function for historical backup versions
Complete machine rebuild (system and content) from the backup server

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